› Superior transfer speeds of up to 170MB/s › Ideal for action cameras, drones and Android devices › U3 & V30 speed performance › Supports A2 app performance class › Durable SPECIFICATIONS Capacity - 256GB Standard/Class - Class 10, UHS-I, U3, V30, A2 Performance: - 170/90MB/s read/write Dimensions - 11mm x 15mm x 1mm (microSD) / 24mm x 32mm x 2.1mm (with SD adapter) Format - exFAT Storage temperature - -40°C~85°C Operating temperature - -25°C~85°C Voltage - 3.3V FEATURES / BENEFITS Superior speeds — Transfer and capture content faster in Full HD & 4K UHD with transfer speeds of up to 170MB Ideal for action cameras and drones — High speeds with UHS Speed Class 3 (U3) & Video Speed Class 30 (V30) ratings. Durable — For your peace of mind, the card has been extensively tested and proven to be waterproof, temperature proof, shock and vibration proof, and X-ray proof. Supports A2 app performance class — Expedite your workflow with faster application performance.
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790,00 ден 750,00 ден
Memory Card SD / MicroSD 256GB KINGSton Class 10 V30 170MB/s Canvas Go Plus
1.590,00 ден
SKU: 32
Category: Мемориски картици

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