Exquisite and Small Large Capacity - Weight about 2g. With capacity of 64GB, you can store 12,800 photos or 6,400 songs freely. Plug and Play - Only need to insert the flash drive into the computer’s USB port, and then transfer the files to the flash drive folder to complete the backup. Simple and practical. Small and Portable Only 6.3mm thick, can be worn with a lost-proof lanyard, and can easily put into your pocket or computer bag. USB interface - USB2.0 Size of product(mm) - 36.1*16.9*6.3mm mm Weight of product(g) - About 2g Housing material - ABS Standard color - Black + red Data transfer rate write(MB/s) - 3-10MB/s Data transfer rate read(MB/s) - 10-25MB/s operating temperature (℃) - 0┅60℃ Storage temperature (℃) - -20┅70℃ Initialized Capacity(GB) - 8GB/16GB/32GB/64GB Max. working voltage(v) - 5V Max. working current (mA) - 150mA
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SKU: 1332
Category: УСБ Флеш меморија

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