Level up with the White Shark SHINOBI 2, the sequel to our best-selling SHINOBI gaming keyboard. Retaining the same affordable price, the SHINOBI 2 boasts enhanced features like full RGB illumination, hot-swap mechanical keys in Brown, Red, or Blue switches, and full anti-ghosting support. With a compact 61-key layout, braided detachable Type-C cable, the SHINOBI 2 is built for peak performance. -RGB Illumination -Full Anti-Ghosting -Hot-Swap Mechanical Switches Specifications Number of keys: 61/62 Switch type: Hot-Swap Mechanical Blue Anti-Ghosting: Full Anti-Ghosting Color: White Interface: Type C - USB 2.0 (detachable) Cable length (m): 1.8 Available layouts: US Weight (g): 530 Key layout: Compact Lifetime: Over 50 M. Clicks Illumination: RGB Material: ABS Plastic Additional rising legs: Yes Braided cable: Yes Dimensions (mm): 292x102x39
Keyboard White Shark Shinobi 2 TKL Mechanical 60%
1.950,00 ден
SKU: 601
Category: Тастатури и сетови

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- Време на испорака 3-4 дена
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