It's easy to overheat a laptop when playing new and demanding video games. The Genesis Oxid 260 cooling pad comes to the aid of overheating gaming machines. It is more efficient and offers more angle adjustment options compared to its predecessor, the highly acclaimed Oxid 250 model. Its modern and unique design will be a great addition to any gaming enthusiast's setup. TECHNICAL DATA Maximum laptop size: 17.3 " Number of installed fans: 4 Number and size of fans: 4x 130 mm Fan rotational speed +/-10%: 850-1010 RPM Fan speed control: Yes Airflow: 0 - 60 CFM Adjustable tilt angle: 8 levels Illumination: Yes Construction: Built-in USB Hub Illumination color: Red Material: Metal, ABS Colour: Red, Black Included Accessories: USB cable
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Stand for notebook Genesis OXID 260 up to 17,3 Gaming
1.590,00 ден
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SKU: 393
Category: Подлоги и ладилници за лаптопи

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