*Additional Applications are not included Specification Features: - DVB-T2/DVB-T compatible, supports MPEG 4 - Compatible with 576i/576p/720p/1,080i/1080P video formats - Sunplus1509C chipset - Fully compliant with DVB-T2 standard - Supports HDMI 1.3 (1080P) - Auto and manually scan all available TV and radio channels,Parental guidance locking - Auto/manual program search, multi-language supported - Supports MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 and H.264 decoder (up to 1,920 x 1,080 pixels) - Advanced audio processor supporting - USB2.0 host support upgrade, PVR, time shifting and media play with U-Flash or HDD - Supports HDMI output, scart output, coaxial, RF in and output - Frequency Range: VHF 174~230MHZ, UHF 470~862MHZ - Powerful and highly effective 7days EPG function Tuner: - Input Frequency: VHF 174~230 MHZ, UFH 470~ 862 MHZ - RF input level: -78~20 dBm - RF Bandwidth: 7MHZ and 8MHZ - Signal input: IEC-type female - QPSK, 16QAM,64QAM, 256QAM - FEC: 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6 Multimedia format: - Decoder format: MPEG 4 AVC/H.264 HP@L4MPEG2 MP@MP.HL - Output format:480i/480p/567i/567p/720i/720p/1080p/1080i - Output port: HDMI,AV/Scart(optional) - Decoder fomat: MPEG-1(layer 1&2&3),WMA,AAC - Audio output: Coaxial, L/R(AV or Scart) Power: - Maximum power consumption:< 10w *Standby power: <1w Hardware Interface: - Indicators: Power, signal lock - IR Receiver: 38KHZ - LED Display - HDMI 1.3 - Loop through output: IEC- type, connector, single tuner - USB2.0 - RCA Output
Set Top Box LDK STU002 FullHD DVB-T, USB , HDMI, Pin
1.390,00 ден
SKU: 651
Category: Останата компјутерска опрема

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