ZIRCON 330 FREEDOM ON THE GAME The Genesis Zircon 330 is a wireless mouse developed for players that provide freedom of movement without a tangle of cable, as well as a powerful sensor that allows fast and precise movements without jamming where standard wireless mice are far behind. FEATURES - 2.4Ghz wireless communication with 10m range - powerful and precise sensor with max. resolution of 3600 DPI - durable switches with a lifetime of 5 million clicks and fast response - integrated 750 mAh rechargeable battery - ergonomic shape - gaming design SPECIFICATION Number of buttons: 7 Sensor: Optical, PAW3212 Resolution: 800 - 1600 - 2400 - 3600 DPI Polling rate: 500 Hz Maximum frame rate: 4,000 FPS Acceleration: 10G Tracking speed: 30 ips Connector: USB 2.0 Range: 10 m Communication: wireless 2.4 Ghz Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10, Linux, Android Other features: Plug & Play Width: 66 mm Height: 37 mm Length: 126 mm Power supply: Integrated 750 mAh rechargeable battery Weight: 105 g Software: No

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