Key Features - USB 7.1-channel virtual headphones - 50mm speakers for powerful bass - Omnidirectional LED microphone (flexible arm) - Rainbow RGB backlight with breathing effect - Wired remote control (volume control, microphone and lighting) - Circumural cups with soft cushions covered in Synthetic leather - Self-adjustable headband - Robust construction with metal elements - On-ear volume control - USB powered LED light Model HG9015G Sound System - 7.1 Virtual Surround Sound Speaker Dimensions - 50mm Frequency Response - 20 - 20,000 Hz Headset Sensitivity - 105 dB +- 3 dB Headphone Impedance - 21 Ohms Microphone Type - Microphone Dimension - 6 x 5 mm Microphone Sensitivity - -42 dB +- 3 dB LED Lighting - Rainbow Breathing RGB Vibration - No Volume Controls - Integrated Connections --USB 2.0 Cable Length - 2.2m\ Compatibility - PC
Headphones with Microphone Marvo Scorpion HG9015G Gaming 7.1 Surround
2.190,00 ден
SKU: 722
Category: Слушалки

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