- BLUETOOTH 5.0 FM TRANSMITTER FOR CAR – can be paired as a hands-free kit with all Bluetooth enabled devices with iOS or Android of max output 3.1A. You can stream music and calls directly from your Bluetooth devices to car stereo system via FM radio signal.
- HIGH-PERFORMANCE MICROPHONE WITH NOISE SUPPRESSION – you get high-quality sound with noise suppression. An innovative technology provides you with crystal clear call and stable connection.
- ANSWER CALLS HANDS-FREE – Answering/redialing/dismissing or ending call just simply click a button. Seamlessly switches between incoming calls and music; Drive more safely with hands free car audio kit. It supports voice navigation of your phone.
- USB CAR CHARGING function – can charge two devices at the same time. One port is a charging port or to play U disk music and other port is a smart charging port for your multimedia devices such as mobile phones and tablets.
- SAFETY PROTECTION – the bluethooth transmitter is equipped with a voltmeter that can demonstrate the condition and capacity of your car battery. You can easily control your car. Voltage should be between 13.2V – 14.7V when a car is moving and 12.2V – 12.8V when a car is parked.
FM Modulator Transmiter with Charger /Bluetooth/
490,00 ден
SKU: 620
Category: Разна компјутерска галантерија

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